Treatments for Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Using REAC Ne | 115588

मनोवैज्ञानिक असामान्यताओं का जर्नल

आईएसएसएन - 2471-9900


Treatments for Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Using REAC Neuromodulation, a Retrospective Comparison Study

Vidya Monappa

The goal of this retrospective study was to examine the effects of two alternative modes of administration of the Neuro Psychophysical Optimization (NPPO) neuromodulation treatment, both of which were used with Radio Electric Asymmetric Conveyer (REAC) biotechnology devices. Both modalities attempt to improve techniques for dealing with environmental stressors and optimizing the allostatic response to exposure. This allows for the reduction of dysfunctional adaptive behavior patterns, which underpin many neuropsychological symptoms and diseases, as well as the improvement of depression, anxiety, and stress symptoms.