मनोवैज्ञानिक असामान्यताओं का जर्नल

आईएसएसएन - 2471-9900

आयतन 6, मुद्दा 1 (2017)

शोध आलेख

Conduct Disorders and Family Characteristics in School Children (special issue)

Kpadonou EF , Fortunato J, Djidonou A, Siranyan S and Kpadonou TG*

समीक्षा लेख

Functional Neurological Disorder Presenting as Stroke: A Narrative Review

Abdelnour LH* and El-Nagi F

शोध आलेख

Relaxation and Guided Imagery for Parents of Offspring with Developmental Disabilities

Melissa Bray, Melissa Root, Nicholas Gelbar, Mary Beth Bruder and Victoria Menzies